10 Most Worst Games Ever Made In The History

The gaming industry is escalating upwards, and now tech industries are investing heavily into the gaming zone. Tech industries always analyze the market first, and then decide where they have to invest first. There are different gamers in the world, and they alway acquire games that are engaging, and make their time worth it.

However, there are still lots of games that are not good enough for playing, and even investing time on the installation process. What does it truly mean, if someone isn’t liking the game and the boring levels then they would simply uninstall it with a bad review.

While such lists could easily be filled up with lots of the worst games, we’re here to help you out with a detailed discussion over the topic. It’s a much better metric for you, to find the worst games ever in the world.

One of the lowest grade games, that are rarely downloaded by the people, and meanwhile they jump to something else it’s all because of the graphics, levels,and what else.

Anyhow, the lowest rated game on the sites are now made available here so you can save your time, and download something else that is worth your time, and feedback.

We’ve gone beyond the bottom line, by downloading and experiencing everything on our own, giving you the best kind of gaming experience. We never wanted to rate a game below average based on someone’s review, however, in actuality it’s something else!

Top 10 Most Worst Games Ever Made In The History Of Gaming World

In this section, we will get to know about the top 10 worst games that flop due to certain reasons, and how lies only in books, or blogs as no one dares to even download it further.

1. Infestation Survivor Stories (The War Z)

In this era of full-to-bursting with the zombie shooters, there is no surprise that something as bad as the appearing to attempt-in-cash on the genre’s popularity.

Moreover, this game received lots of applause and appreciation in its alpha state, but the final release version made almost no improvement due to which it became a complete failure!

The fans were having lots of expectations from the gaming industry, however, once they received the latest version, they couldn’t understand what’s that! Either it’s the same alpha version, or some changes were made on it.

2.Deal or No Deal

Another thing which we have in Deal or No Deal is another huge hit of the game show, which never worked as a video game.

Without the snakes of the real money being on the line, the gameplay is robbed of any tension because of its meaningless numbers.

Regardless, the Wii version of the Deal or No Deal did fine for itself, because it wasn’t utterly broken as the DS version. The game was completely removed from the gaming zone, because no one ever liked it, and in case you install it, it causes lots of errors in the computer, ultimately you’ve to reboot your system.

3. Alone in the Dark

Horror games are rarely installed, and made into invention and it’s really hard to see any horror game go in the drain because of some genuine issues that were reported by the players. Alone in the Dark went into the drain because no one ever assumed what a disaster it’s going to be overall.

The game's baffling decision allowed four players to go, and focus gameplay whereas, staying the light to stay sage, and making it a complete failure! You’re neither alone in the game, and if you wish to stay safe.

If that wasn’t enough to sink in, it simply makes the user go in a half broek state of certainly nothing! The game is a complete failure, and people literally rated it zero; making it a failure!

4. SPOGS Racing

You must be thinking what’s the full form of this game, that is SPOG is a Sports Player Object Gyro, and it’s also a failure due to tons of reasons. The developers had issues regarding lots of things in the game.

It was a standard for Mario Kart rip-off that wasn’t uncommon in the 2000s, but again one can not manage with the ugly graphics, and some of the people can not just take it. Due to the worst graphics, people couldn’t make it and rated the game the worst of all.

5. Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons

Once again we’re dragging a classic franchise into the mud, and now we have Double Dragon II Wander of the Dragons which is again perhaps the worst beat 'em up brawlers ever made!

Not only this, the graphics were awful by the 2013’s standards, but it struggled to run at anything close to an acceptable framerate.

Combats are mostly dull at the times, and somewhat impossible at the worst of the times with enemies able to team up on you continuously.

6.Vroom in the Night Sky

Another one is a game, which was the part of the Switch eShop’s ‘Nindie’ launch lineup, and again it was a bad omen for the amount of shovelware that was never to come!

Visually, it is outclassed by the Nintendo DS games, and gameplay-wise again outclass! Even if you don’t believe us, then try it yourself and you would end up hating the game graphics, and everything.

7. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust

This game is available on Playstation 13, released on the date 2009. With any of the awful movie tie-in action platforms, this generation was famous for the leisure game.

Most of the games, this was just a dull experience from the start to the finish. It’s a dull game experience, and no one finds it interesting.

It’s definitely a sign of failure, and no one ever gave good feedback on the game. No one ever liked the game, and it was simply a failure.

8. Yaris

You must be thinking that Yaris is the name of the car, invented by Toyota Yaris. Everyone loves the car, and its speeding. Everyone assumed the game will be sharing the same variety of cars, supercars and hypercars.

But, how about the gaming car? The game was a complete failure, and no one liked the game at all! The game was a failure, and if you still don’t believe it you can review the game, and experience it yourself!

9. Ride to Hell: Retribution

Ride to Hell, Retribution is one of the more infamous terrible games, but it is not the worst thing there are a lot more!

It does not deserve the runner-up spot, and with the laughable biking gameplay, and boring on the foot combat, again it’s a story that doesn’t make any sense, and again no one ever liked the game.

10. Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade

The Wii was full of the compilation party games, and some of the parts which were the best Wii games, but none of them managed to be quite as bad. The game was offering experience to the users.

Unlike this, it has worse backwards, and terrible controls, but again it requires you to own two Wiimotes, and two nunchucks for the privileged people.

As we are now clear with the games, why not hear some of the things that are required for creating a mobile game application.

The Things You Need To Create A Mobile Game

Here are the top 4 things you require for creating, and deploying a mobile game application for your target audience.

1. A Developer

There is a developer who is the most important need for any project; mobile game application. Someone with amazing experience in app design and development would be the best in kind to create and deploy a mobile game application with amazing graphics.

So, the first and most important thing is to hire a developer who has experience in designing and developing a sleek, and engaging mobile game application that fits best with their expectations.

2. An Animator

The second most important thing is to hire an Animator with you, who knows very well how to bring in engagement, and animation to your coded programs.Games have tons of animation almost at every step, and if you as a business owner want to earn money then, try to induce animations in your coded games.

If your game has animation then, the players who would download the application to play it would enjoy playing it and give it a positive rating.

3. A Computer with high configurations

A computer with all the high configuration making it worthy, and easy for the developers to perform development, and designing. Most of us fear the fact that, if the computer or machine on which you’re planning to work doesn't support the platform or mobile engine that is required at the moment then, how come will they proceed further?

Obviously, it’s asked to get a set of computers that is easy to handle, and supports the mobile game engines of any type, with high terabytes or megabytes.

4. A set of mobile phones

You can test the game developed by the developer over the laptop or machine on which it was developed from scratch. It’s necessary to have a set of mobile phone or dummy device on which you can check its appearance, and see how it’s responding in the real time environment.

You should have an android or iphone to check if the mobile game application is working well over the different operating systems. If a little issue, or bug is reported by the clients after the application is made live, then, it’s a big issue!


Here are some of the questions you should know regarding mobile game app development making the process more easier to understand and deploy.

1. What is the most popular mobile game app?

Robolox is termed to be one of the best mobile game applications with amazing features, graphics, and levels making the players feel amazed by the decision. Candy Crush Saga, on the other hand, is one of the best games so far because of the levels, colorful puzzles and everything.

2. Can I make my own mobile game app?

Yes, definitely you can make your own mobile game application only if you’re from the development domain, and have some information regarding designing and development. However, if you don’t know how to create a mobile game application then, it’s one of the biggest nightmare for you all!

3. How can I make a mobile game app?

You can make your own mobile game application by reading different blogs, or watching tutorials that will make you create and run simple mobile game applications in the start; however, with the passage of time you have to gain experience on all platforms. Once you know how to handle, and manage the applications, you can easily create heavy, or engaging mobile games.

4. Is a mobile game engine important for any mobile game app?

Just like a phone can not work without its chip, similarly, a mobile game engine is the most vital part of any game because it’s impossible to make it work, and operate. A mobile game engine supports the gaming application, and it helps the gaming application to play, and operate seamlessly without any issue.

5. What is the worst mobile game app?

Here we jump into our main topic, on which the entire blog is written. However, in my opinion the worst game application would be Alone in the Dark with disastrous graphics, worst gaming levels, and everything. For your ease, we have mentioned most of the information regarding the game in our blog.

Wrapping Up | Most Worst Mobile Game App

We are done for the day! Games are made with a motive; the vision to make the players feel relaxed and engaged with it. However, if the game doesn’t serve it’s major purpose then, there is no use of it at all.

There is good and bad in almost everything, and if the gaming application doesn’t serve it’s major purpose, that is, to bring happiness in the lives of the users then it’s useless to even download it too! We’ve mentioned all the important details over it, however, if you still feel we missed some games that are worst in your opinion then, feel free to share it’s information in the comments section.